Are you having trouble improving your driving skills? This list contains all the car driving tips, tricks and techniques that both experienced drivers and beginners might need.
Many enthusiasts refer to driving as an art that can detox your mind and soul. For someone who doesn't care about cars much, driving lessons Perth is more of a way to get around. Handling a car requires more than knowing how to drive it. These driving tips and techniques are important to remember when learning to drive.
1. Choose the most comfortable seating position
First, fix your ergonomics. Then, we will give you a list of tips and tricks for car driving. Slide the seat until you reach the pedals. When you press the clutch pedal to the limit, make sure your legs don't get too tight. Your legs should not be cramped when you are not pressing any pedals. If your car offers the ability to adjust the height of the seat, make sure you do so in a way that allows you to see the road, but does not compromise your comfort. You can then adjust the seat so that your hands don't feel strained or cramped when you hold the steering wheel. A slight bend in the elbows will do the trick.
2. Adjust the mirrors
We wouldn't advise you to drive without looking behind your back. Adjust the OVRMs and IRVMs to suit your needs, but remember that mirrors are there to show you what's behind. One tip: Adjust the ORVMs so that your tail is on the mirror.
3. Get familiar with the controls
Once you have found the most comfortable position for the seats and steering wheel, you can start to play with the buttons, switches, knobs and levers located around the car. Turn the engine on and begin by manipulating the stalks to the left and right of the steering wheel. Once you have mastered the stalks, it is time to learn what each button on your dashboard does. This will make it easier to locate the button you wish to press while driving, and not distract the driver.
4. Before you begin rolling, release the handbrake
Most people forget to disengage the handbrake or forget to activate it once they have parked their car. Make sure you use the engage/disengage buttons correctly. Engaging the handbrake means more than just pulling the lever. Enjoy the throbbing sound of the lever mechanism. It is better to press the release button, then pull it. This will give your handbrake mechanism more life.
5. Get to know the car
It is one thing to get familiar with the controls, but it is quite another to get comfortable with the car. Make sure you understand the dimensions and proportions and then let everything else go. Give yourself some time to get to know the feedback the car gives you to your inputs. Simply put, you should
try to understand the car's reaction to your brake, throttle, and steering inputs. Make sure you are familiar with the operation of an automatic gearbox. Auto boxes are very easy to use, but it is important to know how to use them.
7. When you reverse park your car, be sure to check the surrounding area
Sometimes parking in reverse, or just parking your car can prove difficult. The best way to make this easier is to pull the brake, get out of your car and look around. Next, you will need to park your vehicle. This will give you an idea of the amount of space you have available for corrections and errors.
8. Properly hold the steering wheel
You can learn a lot about the science behind correct steering. We'll stick to the thumb rule. The thumb rule is to hold on to the steering wheel by placing your hands in the 9 and 3 O'clock positions, just as the clock.
9. Keep your hands off the gear lever
It's easy to spot the so-called Ace-Drivers who rest their hands on the gear levers. It's difficult to avoid doing that. The weight of your hand resting on the gear lever can transfer to the bearings and cause premature wear.