In the early decades, no one was bothered much about the negative impact of plastic bags on the environment even though they were warned by the environmentalists. Fortunately, in the present times, natives of all countries have realized their mistake and reduced the usage of plastic bags.
The advantage of these bags has influenced people to use them often in their daily life. Fortunately, manufacturers like Customer Earth Promos have taken the intuitive to promote sales of custom shopping bags that are eco-friendly and highly usable. The distribution of these customized shopping bags by retailers has gradually initiated people to use only bags, purses, pouches made of biodegradable material.
Why plastic bags are harmful to nature and humans?
- Millions of barrels of fuel are used in every country to make plastic bags. The fuel could have been used for other productive purpose and surely the cost of fuel would have gone down. Moreover, fuel is a nonrenewable resource, thus spending fuel on making plastic bags is a great loss globally.
- The non-decomposing plastic will not decay for hundreds of years. They will just lay in the soil, water resources and litter other places spoiling the environment. They will be present in tons inside the ocean poisoning the marine life. They will clog drainage and spoil the quality of soil resulting in it becoming less fertile. The rainwater just washes away as the moisture can’t be soaked in which leads to shortage of underground water.
- Plastic has an adverse impact on the animal kingdom. Birds and animals feed on the plastic laying in debris and scattered on land. They die because of the toxins used to compose the bags.
In short, plastic bags are not good for enhancing life on our planet. Hence, its making and using should be avoided completely. This is possible by using bags made of naturally available materials, and biodegradable plastic.
How you can minimize the usage of plastic bags?
- Use only reusable biodegradable bags – It can be made of natural materials like cotton, jute, canvas or any fabric. They are available in plenty in varied designs, sizes, shapes and quality.
- It is a wise consideration to use plastic bags often at home until it gets torn to pieces instead of throwing a good plastic bag in the waste bin.
- Take your own bags for shopping instead of expecting the shop owner to provide things packed in plastic bags to carry home with ease. This gesture helps to reduce the usage of such non-decomposable bags.
Tips to recycle plastic bags –
- Shred it to pieces before throwing them in the garbage.
- Make a ball of well-used plastic bags before you dump them as it makes it easier for recycling.
- Stop throwing them out in open space.
It is beneficial to the mankind, environment and our planet to stop using plastic bags and stick to using recycling bags. It supports the ecosystem and your planet remains free from toxins released from non-biodegradable plastic.